“Just mindfulness and concentration do not constitute meditation; equanimity must be a constant ingredient…” 一Dr. Daw Thynn Thynn
And sooo… equanimity phrases that can be recited and lived as a moment to moment, moving meditation practice…
• To the best of my ability… May this breath that comes to me… that goes from me be met without making judgments or conclusions.
•To the best of my ability… May I give myself permission to take a temporary vacation from judging myself and others body… level of intelligence… demeanor… clothing… right or wrong side of the tracks… title… or worthiness to exist.
• To the best of my ability… May I meet myself and others with a calm noticing mind, free from being judgmental or dissecting the intentions and actions of myself or others and "Figure it out."
• To the best of my ability… May this moment be met free from having to have my personal preferences perfectly met, with a calm presence.
May all beings... including myself experience and embody goodwill and creative action to the best of our capacity and ability.
一Dignity and Grace