Snatching defeat from the hands of victory, more than a few squander This profound opportunity.
Those caught in the Dreamtime of collecting money, power, property, versions of prestige, and a false sense of control endlessly argue and re-act to maintain limitations litigated by thought. In this way, a kind of primal self and other mutilation sets in.
Dragged by twisted inhumane instinct, majoring in minor things, they become the architect of their own demise and suffering, neither meeting, let alone serving the Reality of our authentic circumstances. What's traded is Realness for illusion, which offers no serenity or contentment... just a simulation of an avatar within a dream, lurching back and forth, pushed and pulled by shallow impulses of fear rather than our inherent DNA of Universal Loving Presence.
This sad state of affairs ignites the Bodhisattva's vow... Shū Jō Mū Hen Seigan Dō, Bo No Mū Jin Seigan Dan, Hō Mon Mū Ryo Seigan Gakū, Butsudo Mū Dō Seigan Jō, inviting more than a few to rise from the dream and embody genuine Life.
一We Are the Practice Itself