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Kindness... The Enduring Living Practice of Buddha

In the practice of Buddhism there is what is known as the "Four Immeasurable's." The first is, "Loving-kindness or benevolence." The second is "Compassion." The third is "Sympathetic Joy," as a result of empathy plus caring. And the fourth is "Equanimity," steadiness of mind while under stress and pressure. These Four Immeasurable's flow through our intuitive nature, de-energizing the spinning nature of self-obsession and self-centeredness, so that we're not disoriented and disconnected from our humanity.

Atisha Dīpankara, a person well versed in the practice of Buddhism encouraged... "In the morning remember it is a new day, a new beginning. And have a decision deep in your heart that “Today I am not going to waste this opportunity. Enough is enough! Today I am going to be aware, today I am going to be alert, today I am going to devote as much energy as possible to the single cause, the cause of meditation. I will meditate in all my acts. I will do all the activities, the usual day-to-day activities, but today with a new quality: I will bring the quality of compassionate awareness to them."

As a dog will not train itself, neither will ego. Left to its own devices, it has no concept of restraint or holding back from impulses that arise. You ask it to sit, it gets up. You ask it to stop barking and it growls at you. You open the door to let it out to go to the bathroom and it shits on the carpet. You ask it to get off the furniture, and it refuses to move. Why? Because the time has not been spent properly supporting and taking care of it, so it lives in a state of disharmony dominating the relationship, which influences a lot of suffering. Training the mind, like training a dog can lead to a much more joyful relationship. Please don't take my word for it. Please practice and confirm this for yourself.

My invitation for those interested in practicing with me today is... With the intention to be in conscious contact with kindness and compassion for our self and others, we encounter physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; just for today...

Right now, breathing in kindness and compassion,

I am receiving and appreciating that it fills my body with tenderness, and completeness.

Right now, breathing out kindness and compassion,

I share it, with all beings with an attitude of unconditional positive regard, tenderness, and completeness.

Right now, breathing in kindness and compassion,

I bring my hand to my heart, appreciating that I can breathe. It's because of this that so many things are possible.

Right now, breathing out kindness and compassion,

I extend my hand from my heart, appreciating that all beings breathe in their own way. It's because of this that so many things are possible.

Right now, breathing in kindness and compassion,

I realize, notice, and feel my inherent nature as loving, kind-hearted, clear, and connected Presence.

Right now, breathing out kindness and compassion,

I realize, notice, and feel the inherent nature as loving, kind-hearted, clear, and connected Presence is also embodied in all beings as well.

Right now, breathing in kindness and compassion,

I bring to mind my values, realizing there is no distance, giving them kind, and mindful attention.

Right now, breathing out kindness and compassion,

Embodied as my values, I act upon, as, and through them; with mindful kindness, compassion, friendliness for self and others, supported by goodwill.

一This Moment, This Place, This Path, With Kindness

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